The car to be estimated is a 2022 Toyota Prado 4.0L ADVENTURE TX (Diesel) in average condition with 53072 km mileage. The closest data points are for the 2022 Toyota Prado GXR 4.0L V6, which is a higher trim than the ADVENTURE TX. The selling prices for the GXR variant range from 148000 AED to 169000 AED, with the most recent sale at 148000 AED for a car with 48500 km. The ADVENTURE TX is a base model, so it should be valued lower than the GXR. Considering the average condition and higher mileage, a reasonable estimate would be slightly below the lowest GXR selling price. Offers accepted for the GXR variant were 150000 AED and 158000 AED, further supporting a lower estimate for the ADVENTURE TX. Therefore, the estimated market price for the ADVENTURE TX is adjusted downwards from the lowest GXR selling price.