The car to be estimated is a 2020 Toyota Innova 2.7L S Standard with 240113 km mileage. We have selling prices for the 2020 Toyota Innova 2.7L SE variant, which is similar but slightly higher in trim than the S Standard. The SE variant sold for AED 59491.5 twice and AED 55245.75 once in mid-2024. These sales are recent and provide a good baseline. The listed prices for the SE variant range from AED 64995 to AED 69990, but these are typically higher than actual selling prices. The S Standard variant is likely to be valued slightly lower than the SE due to trim differences. Considering the average selling price of the SE variant is around AED 58076, and adjusting for the lower trim and average condition, the estimated market price for the S Standard variant is slightly lower.