The car to be estimated is a 2021 Toyota Hilux 2.7L GL Double Cab 2WD (Base+) with 210792 km mileage. There are no direct selling prices for this exact variant, but we have selling prices for the 2021 Toyota Hilux 4.0 V6 models. The 4.0 V6 2WD (Base) sold for 120,000 AED and the 4.0 V6 AWD (Top) sold for 122,000 AED. These are higher trims with more powerful engines, so the 2.7L GL variant should be priced lower. Looking at the listed prices for the 2.7L GL Double Cab 2WD (Base+), they range from 61,995 AED to 79,990 AED. The car with the closest mileage to the target car is listed for 67,995 AED. Considering the average condition of the target car and the fact that listed prices are often higher than selling prices, a reasonable estimate would be slightly lower than the average of the listed prices, around 65,000 AED.