To estimate the price of the 2017 Toyota FJ Cruiser V6 4.0L GXR (Mid) with 205800 km mileage, I focused on the selling prices of similar cars. The most relevant data point is the 2017 FJ Cruiser GXR (Mid) with 146315 km sold for 67000 AED on 2024-09-24. This car is the same variant and only slightly newer with less mileage. Another 2017 FJ Cruiser VXR (Mid) with 65500 km sold for 75000 AED on 2023-08-17, but it has significantly lower mileage. The 2016 GXR (Mid) with 295100 km sold for 57000 AED on 2024-09-02, indicating a lower price for higher mileage. Considering the target car's higher mileage and average condition, I estimate its price slightly lower than the 67000 AED sale, accounting for the additional mileage and time since the last sale.