The most relevant data point is the selling price of a similar 2018 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited V6 3.6L with a mileage of 145641 km, which sold for AED 63000 in September 2024. This car is very similar in variant and engine size to the car in question. The car in question has a higher mileage of 160100 km, which typically reduces the value. Offers accepted for similar cars range from AED 80000 to AED 92000, but these are not actual selling prices and are likely higher than the market value. Listed prices for similar cars range from AED 67000 to AED 109120, but these are generally higher than selling prices. Considering the actual selling price and the higher mileage of the car in question, the estimated market price is adjusted downwards from the AED 63000 selling price to account for the higher mileage and condition.