The car to be estimated is a 2023 Toyota Corolla Cross 1.8L XL XL (HEV) (Base) with 42054 km mileage. The most relevant data points are the dealer sold prices for similar cars: AED 72241.5 (60336 km), AED 68841.5 (47810 km), and AED 70541.5 (37313 km). These cars have similar mileage and condition. The selling price of a similar variant, GLI Hybrid (Top), was AED 77500, but it is a higher trim. The listed prices for the same variant range from AED 74800 to AED 104250, with most around AED 75990 to AED 78900. Considering the selling prices and the listed prices, the market price is likely closer to the lower end of the listed prices, slightly above the dealer sold prices due to the lower mileage of the car in question.