The car to be estimated is a 2018 Mercedes S450 Standard sedan with 177,000 miles, American specs, and in average condition. There are no actual selling prices or offers accepted data available. The listed prices of similar cars include a 2018 Mercedes S450 Standard SUV with the same mileage and specs listed for AED 115,000. However, this is an SUV, not a sedan, which typically affects the price. A 2020 Mercedes S450 Standard sedan with 92,000 miles is listed for AED 145,000, and another 2020 model with 89,000 miles is listed for AED 160,000. A 2019 model with 75,000 miles is listed for AED 185,000. Considering the age, mileage, and condition of the car to be estimated, and the fact that listed prices are generally higher than selling prices, the estimated market price should be lower than the 2018 SUV listing and significantly lower than the 2020 and 2019 sedan listings. Adjusting for the high mileage and average condition, the estimated market price is set accordingly.