The most relevant data point is the selling price of a 2020 Hyundai Kona 2.0L Comfort (Mid) with 72826 km sold for AED 50000 on 2023-05-23. This car is in good condition, while the target car is in average condition and has higher mileage (108000 km), suggesting a lower price. A 2019 model with similar specs and condition sold for AED 49000 on 2023-06-17, indicating depreciation over time. An offer was accepted for a similar 2020 model at AED 42000 in March 2024, which is a strong indicator of current market value. Dealer sales of different variants (1.6L SMART) range from AED 40795.75 to AED 45045.75, but these are less relevant due to different trim and engine. Considering these factors, the estimated price is adjusted downwards from the AED 50000 benchmark due to higher mileage and average condition.