The car to be estimated is a 2020 Honda Accord 1.5L Sport LX-A with 84882 km mileage. The most relevant data point is the dealer-sold price of a similar 2020 Honda Accord 1.5L Sport with higher mileage (110112 km) for AED 63745.75 on 2023-10-20. This suggests a lower market value for the 1.5L variant. The selling price of a 2020 Honda Accord Sport 2.0L Turbo I4 with lower mileage (61300 km) was AED 85000, but this is a different variant with a larger engine, likely commanding a higher price. An offer was accepted for a 2020 Honda Accord 2.0L I4 at AED 98500, but this is also a different variant. Listed prices for similar 1.5L variants range from AED 74990 to AED 99990, but these are asking prices, not selling prices. Considering the dealer-sold price and the listed prices, the estimated market price for the car in question is likely closer to the lower end of the listed prices, slightly above the dealer-sold price due to lower mileage.