The car to be estimated is a 2021 Toyota Hiace 2.7L GLS Standard with 200114 km mileage. We have no direct selling prices for the 2.7L variant, but we have data for the 3.5L variant. The closest match in terms of engine size is a 2021 Toyota Hiace 2.7L GL listed for AED 84990. For the 3.5L GLS variant, recent dealer selling prices range from AED 67995.75 to AED 72245.75 for cars with similar or higher mileage. The listed prices for the 3.5L GLS range from AED 79995 to AED 94990. Given the smaller engine size of the 2.7L, it is reasonable to estimate a lower price than the 3.5L GLS. Considering the listed price of the 2.7L GL at AED 84990 and the selling prices of the 3.5L GLS, a fair estimate for the 2.7L GLS would be slightly lower than the listed price, around AED 80000.