The car to be estimated is a 2022 Dodge Charger GT SE 3.6L with average condition and 83000 km mileage. The most relevant data point is the dealer sale of a 2022 Dodge Charger 3.6L GT with 53967 km for AED 114745.75 on 2024-10-13. This car is similar in variant but has lower mileage. Considering the higher mileage of the car to be estimated, a depreciation adjustment is necessary. The new car price for a 2025 Dodge Charger 3.6L GT is AED 116500, indicating a slight increase in new car prices. The accepted offer for a 2022 Dodge Charger R/T V8 5.7L was AED 126000, but this is a higher variant. Given these factors, the estimated price for the car in question is adjusted downwards from the dealer sale price to account for the higher mileage and average condition.