To estimate the price of the 2016 BMW X5 4.4L V8 TC M-sport 50! xDrive 50i (Top) with 132000 km mileage, I considered the following data points: 1. A 2016 BMW X5 3.0L i6 TC with 156500 km sold for 90000 AED in February 2024. 2. A 2014 BMW X5 5.0L V8 with 65771 km sold for 103000 AED in October 2023. 3. A 2014 BMW X5 4.4L V8 with 148900 km sold for 63000 AED in January 2024. 4. A 2018 BMW X5 35i 3.0L I6 Twin Turbo M kit with 149000 km sold for 87000 AED in July 2024. 5. The listed price for a similar 2016 BMW X5 4.4L V8 TC M-sport 50! xDrive 50i (Top) with 132000 km is 85000 AED. Considering the higher engine size and trim level of the target car compared to the 3.0L variants, and the depreciation over time, I adjusted the price accordingly.