The car in question is a 2016 Mercedes GLE500 4Matic V8 4.7L Standard. We have an offer accepted for a similar 2016 GLE500 4.7L V8 Turbo with 141,000 km at AED 88,000 from March 2024. This is a strong indicator of market value. A similar car is listed for AED 73,000 with 150,700 km, which is slightly lower than the target car's mileage. The 2015 model is listed at AED 109,120, but it has much lower mileage. The 2018 model is listed at AED 150,000, but it is newer and has lower mileage. Considering the accepted offer and the listed prices, the market price for the target car should be slightly lower than the accepted offer due to higher mileage and time passed since the offer. Therefore, the estimated market price is AED 85,000.