To estimate the price of the 2020 BMW X2 xDrive 20i i4 2.0L M sport Twin Turbo sDrive 28i (Mid), I considered the following data points: 1. The new price of a 2025 BMW X2 sDrive20i is AED 146176. Assuming a 10% depreciation per year, the estimated value for a 2020 model would be approximately AED 95,000. 2. Classified listings for similar cars: a 2020 BMW X2 with 94653 km listed for AED 89000, a 2021 BMW X2 with 71000 km listed for AED 87000, and another 2020 BMW X2 with 50262 km listed for AED 114000. Considering the mileage and condition of the target car, the most relevant comparison is the 2020 model with similar mileage listed for AED 89000. 3. No actual selling prices or offers accepted were available, so the classified listings and depreciation logic were the primary sources. Based on these factors, I estimated the market price.