The car to be estimated is a 2020 BMW X2 sDrive20i with 81000 km mileage. The most relevant selling price is AED 101600 for a similar variant with 47000 km sold in December 2023. Considering the higher mileage of the target car, its value would be lower. Dealer sales show prices of AED 80745.75 for 78867 km and AED 93491.5 for 64546 km, indicating a depreciation with higher mileage. Offers accepted range from AED 86500 to AED 104000, with the lower offer being more recent and likely more reflective of current market conditions. Listed prices vary widely, but a delisted price of AED 72500 for 103000 km suggests a lower market value for higher mileage cars. Considering these factors, the estimated price is adjusted downward from the AED 101600 sale price to account for the higher mileage and market trends.