To estimate the price of the 2016 BMW 520 I4 2.0L Twin Turbo Standard, I considered the offers accepted by sellers and the listed prices of similar cars. The accepted offers for similar cars were AED 49000, AED 63500, and AED 58500, with mileages of 134800, 104500, and 120000 km respectively. The car in question has a lower mileage of 87000 km, which suggests a higher value. The listed prices for similar cars with mileages close to the target car were AED 69750, AED 55000, and AED 70500. The car with the closest mileage (85000 km) was listed for AED 69750. Considering the accepted offers and the listed prices, I estimated the market price by weighing the lower mileage and the higher end of the accepted offers and listings.