The car to be estimated is a 2023 Audi A4 2.0L 35 TFSI (Base) with 13476 km mileage. We have no direct selling prices or offers accepted for similar cars. The new price for a 2025 Audi A4 35 TFSI Advanced is AED 164325. Assuming a 15% annual depreciation, the 2023 model would have depreciated for one year, resulting in a depreciation of approximately AED 24649, making the estimated value around AED 139676. The only listed price available is for a 2021 Audi A4 40 TFSI (Mid) at AED 145000, which is a higher variant and older model with more mileage. Considering the base variant and lower mileage of the 2023 model, the estimated price should be slightly lower than the depreciated new price, around AED 139000.