The car to be estimated is a 2020 Mazda 6 2.0L S Grade (Base) with average condition and 89841 km mileage. The closest data points are the dealer sold prices for the 2.5L S variant, which range from AED 55241.5 to AED 58641.5. These sales occurred between September and November 2023. The 2.5L V Grade (Mid) variant sold for AED 70000 and AED 52500 in early 2024, with the latter being more recent and likely more reflective of current market conditions. An offer was accepted for AED 53000 for a similar variant in June 2024. Given the base variant typically has a lower value than the mid-grade, and considering the mileage and condition, the estimated price should be slightly lower than the lowest dealer sold price for the 2.5L S variant, around AED 55000.