The car to be estimated is a 2016 Toyota Prado VXR V6 4.0L with average condition and 150200 km mileage. The most relevant data point is the dealer sale of a similar 2016 Toyota Prado 4.0L VXR with 129171 km mileage for AED 108791.5 on 2023-11-22. This car was in good condition, so we adjust downwards for average condition and higher mileage. Another relevant data point is the accepted offer of AED 90000 for a 2016 Toyota Prado VXR I4 2.7L with 158100 km mileage on 2024-09-12. This car has a smaller engine, so the V6 should be valued higher. The selling price of a 2016 Toyota Prado 4.0L V6 GXR with 133500 km mileage for AED 93500 on 2023-10-31 also provides a reference, but it was in good condition and a lower trim. Considering these factors, the estimated price is adjusted to reflect the VXR trim, average condition, and current market trends.