The car to be estimated is a 2016 Nissan Patrol Platinum V8 5.6L SE Platinum (Mid++) with 67500 km mileage. The most relevant data point is a 2016 Nissan Patrol 5.6L PLATINUM sold by a dealer for AED 113041.5 on 2023-10-17 with 90225 km. This car is similar in variant and condition but has higher mileage. A 2016 Nissan Patrol SE (Mid) with 83500 km sold for AED 95000 on 2023-10-31, and another with 103341 km sold for AED 80000 on 2024-10-03. These are lower trims and have higher mileage. A 2015 SE Platinum (Mid++) with 155000 km sold for AED 82149 on 2024-03-03, and another 2015 SE Platinum (Mid++) with 138200 km sold for AED 85000 on 2024-03-31. Considering the target car's lower mileage and higher trim, it should be valued higher than these 2015 models. The 2016 LE Platinum (Top+++) with 142350 km sold for AED 80000 on 2024-10-15, but it has a higher trim and mileage. Based on these comparisons, the estimated price should be slightly lower than the dealer's price due to the lower mileage but similar trim.