The car to be estimated is a 2021 Volvo S60 2.0L T4 Momentum T5 (Base) with average condition and 80235 km mileage. The closest selling price data is for a 2020 Volvo S60 T4 Inscription (Top) with good condition and 32928 km mileage, sold for AED 91000 in August 2024. This car is a higher trim and in better condition, so the estimated price for the target car should be lower. The listed prices for similar cars include a 2022 Volvo S60 T5 (Base) with 91060 km for AED 119990, and a 2022 T4 Inscription (Top) for AED 139000. Considering the target car's lower trim and higher mileage, its price should be significantly lower than these listings. The 2020 T4 Inscription listed for AED 91000 was delisted, indicating it might have sold around that price. Given the depreciation and condition differences, the estimated market price for the target car is adjusted accordingly.