The car to be estimated is a 2021 Toyota Yaris 1.5L E S (CVT) (Base) with average condition and 51600 km mileage. The most relevant data point is a dealer sale of a 2021 Toyota Yaris 1.5L E with 79201 km for AED 45041.5 on 2024-06-08. This car has higher mileage, so the estimated price should be slightly higher. The selling prices of similar 2021 Yaris SE variants range from AED 40000 to AED 41000, but these are different trims. The listed prices for the exact variant are AED 49990 and AED 51999, which are likely higher than the actual selling price. Considering the dealer sale and the listed prices, a reasonable estimate for the car in question is around AED 46000.