The car to be estimated is a 2022 Toyota Prado 4.0L GXR TX (Diesel) in average condition with 73688 km mileage. The closest data points are the dealer sold prices for similar mileage GXR variants: AED 140245.75 and AED 140241.5, both sold in March 2024. These are for GXR variants, which are similar to the TX variant in terms of trim level. The selling prices of similar GXR variants with lower mileage and better condition range from AED 148000 to AED 167000. Considering the higher mileage and average condition of the target car, the price should be lower than these selling prices. The dealer sold prices are more reflective of the market value for a car in similar condition and mileage. Therefore, the estimated price is slightly below the dealer sold prices to account for the average condition.