The car to be estimated is a 2022 Toyota Prado 4.0L ADVENTURE TX (Diesel) in average condition. The closest data points are for the 2022 Toyota Prado GXR 4.0L V6, which is a higher trim than the base ADVENTURE TX. The selling prices for the GXR variant range from 148,000 AED to 169,000 AED, with most recent sales around 148,000 AED to 165,000 AED. The ADVENTURE TX is a base model and in average condition, so it should be valued lower than the GXR in good condition. Considering the accepted offer of 150,000 AED for a GXR with higher mileage, the estimated price for the ADVENTURE TX should be lower. Adjusting for the base trim and average condition, a reasonable estimate is around 140,000 AED.