The car to be estimated is a 2020 Toyota Prado 4.0L VXR TX (Diesel) (Base) with average condition and 133999 km mileage. The closest data points are the listed prices for the same variant: AED 137990, AED 141990, AED 154990, AED 142990, and AED 142990. These are higher than the likely selling price due to typical overpricing in listings. The selling prices of similar 2020 Prado models with different variants (GXR and VXR) range from AED 135000 to AED 148045, but these are for higher trims. Offers accepted for similar models are AED 130000 and AED 132000, which are more relevant as they reflect negotiation outcomes. Considering the base variant and higher mileage, the estimated market price should be slightly lower than these offers.