The car to be estimated is a 2021 Toyota FJ Cruiser 4.0L GXR RB Standard (Base) with 69991 km mileage. The closest data point is an offer accepted for a similar car with 70000 km mileage at AED 125500 on 2024-02-16. This is a strong indicator of the market value. A similar car with 70651 km was listed for AED 120500 but was delisted, suggesting it might have sold for less. The selling prices of higher trim variants like the VXR and Extreme are AED 126500 and AED 133000, respectively, indicating that the Standard variant should be lower. The listed prices for similar Standard variants range from AED 120500 to AED 149990, but these are generally higher than actual selling prices. Considering the accepted offer and the listed prices, the estimated market price is likely around AED 125000.