The car to be estimated is a 2022 Toyota FJ Cruiser V6 4.0L GXR (Mid) with 62500 km mileage. The most relevant data points are the dealer sold prices for the 2022 Toyota FJ Cruiser 4.0L GXR RB, which is a similar variant. The prices range from AED 118991.5 to AED 136849.15, with lower mileage cars selling for higher prices. The car with the closest mileage to the target car (71244 km) sold for AED 118991.5. Considering the target car's mileage is slightly lower at 62500 km, it would likely be valued slightly higher than AED 118991.5. The accepted offer for a similar variant with lower mileage (25250 km) was AED 125000, indicating a higher value for lower mileage. Given these factors, the estimated market price for the target car is slightly above AED 118991.5 but below AED 125000.