The car to be estimated is a 2019 Toyota Prado 4.0L VXR TX (Diesel) in average condition with 87180 km mileage. The closest match in the data is the 2019 Toyota Prado V6 4.0L TX.L1 V6 (Mid) with 132920 km sold for AED 105000 on 2024-10-13. This car has a higher mileage and a different variant, suggesting a lower price. A 2019 Toyota Prado VXR V6 4.0L with 85000 km sold for AED 141000 on 2024-07-30, but it is a higher variant. The 2019 Toyota Prado 4.0L GXR with 87000 km had an offer accepted at AED 138000 on 2023-10-28, but this is a higher variant. Considering the average condition and mileage, the estimated price should be lower than the higher variants but slightly above the TX.L1 V6 (Mid) due to lower mileage and similar condition.