The car to be estimated is a 2013 Toyota Prado TXL V6 4.0L EXR with average condition and 170685 km mileage. The most relevant data point is a similar 2013 Toyota Prado 4.0L V6 TX.L EXR with good condition and 149850 km mileage, sold for 81000 AED on 2023-08-11. Considering the target car's higher mileage and average condition, a downward adjustment is necessary. A 2012 model with average condition and 104044 km mileage sold for 61100 AED on 2024-08-25, indicating depreciation over time. The 2015 models with average condition and higher mileage sold for around 83000 AED, suggesting a lower price for the older 2013 model. Balancing these factors, the estimated price is adjusted to reflect the car's age, condition, and mileage.