The car to be estimated is a 2022 Toyota Land Cruiser 3.5L VXR 5.7L VXR GT (Top++), with average condition and 94944 km mileage. The most relevant data points are the selling prices of similar cars. A 2022 Land Cruiser 3.5L V6 TC 4WD with 72095 km sold for AED 265,000 on 2024-05-19, and another with 51000 km sold for AED 272,000 on 2024-09-29. These cars are similar in variant and condition. The car sold by a dealer for AED 249,045.75 on 2024-02-12 had a similar mileage of 95931 km. An offer was accepted for a similar variant at AED 295,000 on 2024-10-02, but this is higher than the selling prices. Considering the mileage and condition, the estimated price should be slightly lower than the recent selling prices due to higher mileage and average condition.