The car to be estimated is a 2022 BMW X6 xDrive 40i with 115750 km. The closest selling price is a 2022 BMW X6 xDrive 40i M Sport with 36600 km sold for 278000 AED on 2024-09-22. Considering the higher mileage of the target car, a depreciation adjustment is needed. A 2021 BMW X6 xDrive 40i with 114573 km is listed for 200000 AED, which is a closer mileage match. The new price for a 2025 BMW X6 xDrive40i is 449250 AED. Assuming a 15% annual depreciation, the 2022 model would be approximately 324000 AED new. Given the high mileage and comparison to similar listings, the estimated market price is adjusted to reflect these factors.