The car to be estimated is a 2021 Toyota Fortuner 2.7L EXR GX2 2WD with 49029 km mileage. We have several data points for similar cars. The most relevant are the dealer sold prices for the same model and variant. These prices range from AED 93491.5 to AED 99441.5, with mileages between 57509 km and 74480 km. The car with the closest mileage to the target car (57509 km) was sold for AED 99441.5. The listed price for a similar car with 51203 km is AED 117990, but listed prices are generally higher than actual selling prices. Considering the selling prices and the slightly lower mileage of the target car, the estimated market price should be slightly higher than the average of the dealer sold prices, but lower than the listed price.