The car to be estimated is a 2021 Toyota Fortuner 2.7L EXR GX2 2WD with 62364 km mileage. We have several dealer-sold prices for the same model and similar mileage. The most relevant data points are: AED 96891.5 for 60698 km, AED 99441.5 for 83435 km, AED 95191.5 for 74480 km, AED 97741.5 for 64782 km, AED 93491.5 for 70614 km, and AED 99441.5 for 57509 km. The car in question has 62364 km, which is closest to the car sold for AED 96891.5. Considering the mileage and condition, the estimated price should be slightly lower than AED 96891.5 due to average condition compared to the good condition of the sold cars.