To estimate the price of the 2017 Toyota FJ Cruiser V6 4.0L 4WD GXR (Mid) with 146315 km mileage, I analyzed the selling prices of similar cars. The most relevant data points are: 1) A 2017 FJ Cruiser VXR (Mid) with 65500 km sold for 75000 AED on 2023-08-17. Adjusting for higher mileage, the price would be lower. 2) A 2016 FJ Cruiser VXR (Mid) with 135146 km sold for 73000 AED on 2024-02-01. 3) Another 2016 FJ Cruiser VXR (Mid) with 135146 km sold for 66000 AED on 2024-04-16. 4) A 2015 FJ Cruiser VXR (Mid) with 141000 km sold for 85000 AED on 2024-05-07. Considering the average condition and mileage of the target car, I adjusted the price accordingly. The accepted offer for a 2017 FJ Cruiser VXR (Mid) with 158000 km was 91500 AED on 2023-09-13, which is higher due to the offer nature and not an actual sale.