The car to be estimated is a 2023 Toyota Camry 2.5L SE S (Base) with 77654 km mileage. The most relevant data point is the car sold by a dealer: a 2023 Toyota Camry 2.5L SE with 61470 km was sold for AED 75225 on 2024-06-09. Considering the higher mileage of the car to be estimated, a downward adjustment is needed. Another data point is an offer accepted for a 2023 Toyota Camry 2.5L I4 S (Base) with 86000 km for AED 60000 on 2024-06-20. The car to be estimated has lower mileage than this, suggesting a higher value. The new car price for a 2025 Toyota Camry 2.5L SE is AED 111900. Applying depreciation for one year (15%), the estimated value is AED 95115. Considering these data points, the estimated market price is adjusted to reflect the car's condition and mileage.