The car to be estimated is a 2020 Toyota Camry 2.5L S with average condition and 89236 km mileage. The closest match in the data is a 2020 Toyota Camry 2.5L S sold by a dealer for AED 65445.75 on 2024-03-13 with 70647 km. Another 2.5L S was sold for AED 59491.5 on 2024-03-16 with 114519 km. Considering the mileage difference, the car with 70647 km sold for a higher price, indicating a depreciation with higher mileage. The car to be estimated has 89236 km, which is closer to the first car. The average selling price of 2.5L SE variants with similar mileage is around AED 75000, but the S variant is typically lower. Considering these factors, the estimated price is adjusted slightly lower than the first S variant due to higher mileage and average condition.