The car to be estimated is a 2021 RAM 1500 5.7LL Warlock Crew Cab Classic ST Regular Cab with 73097 km mileage. The most relevant data point is a similar car sold by a dealer: a 2021 RAM 1500 5.7LL Warlock Crew Cab with 72503 km was sold for AED 110491.5 on 2023-12-26. This is the closest match in terms of variant and mileage. Other dealer-sold cars, such as the 5.7L Rebel and Limited variants, sold for higher prices (AED 140165 to AED 161415) but are different trims. Listed prices for similar Warlock Crew Cab variants range from AED 129990 to AED 134990, but these are typically higher than actual selling prices. Considering the selling price of the closest match and the listed prices, the estimated market price is slightly adjusted to reflect the current market conditions and the car's average condition.