The car to be estimated is a 2021 Nissan Sunny 1.5L SV S (Base) with average condition and 69490 km mileage. The closest data point is an offer accepted for a 2021 Nissan Sunny 1.6L S (Base) at AED 32000, which is a similar variant but with a slightly larger engine. This offer was accepted recently, in October 2023. The listed prices for the 1.5L SV S (Base) variant range from AED 39990 to AED 44990, with most listings around AED 41990. These are asking prices, which are typically higher than actual selling prices. Considering the accepted offer and the listed prices, the market price is likely lower than the average listing but higher than the accepted offer for the 1.6L variant. Therefore, I estimate the market price to be around AED 37000.