The car to be estimated is a 2019 Nissan Sentra I4 1.6L S (Base) with 150540 km mileage. The most relevant selling price is AED 21500 for a similar car with 108200 km mileage sold on 2024-08-29. This car had a lower mileage and was in average condition, while the target car has higher mileage and is in good condition. An offer of AED 23000 was accepted for a similar car with 108200 km mileage on 2024-08-27, indicating a slightly higher market value. Listed prices for similar cars range from AED 22500 to AED 29000, with the closest in mileage listed at AED 22500. Considering the higher mileage of the target car, I estimate its market price to be slightly lower than the AED 21500 selling price, adjusting for the higher mileage and good condition.