The car to be estimated is a 2019 Nissan Patrol Platinum V8 5.6L LE Platinum with 60600 km mileage. The most relevant data point is a similar car sold on 2024-04-08 for AED 163500 with 75300 km mileage. This car is in good condition, while the target car is in average condition, suggesting a slightly lower value. An offer was accepted for a similar car at AED 164500 on 2023-12-02 with 59500 km, which is very close in mileage and condition. A dealer sold a 5.6L LE TITANIUM variant for AED 169991.5 on 2023-09-24 with 77060 km, which is a different trim but provides a higher benchmark. Considering these data points, the estimated price should be slightly lower than the AED 163500 selling price due to the average condition and lower mileage.