The car to be estimated is a 2022 Nissan Kicks 1.6L SV SL (Top) with 59681 km mileage. The most relevant data point is the dealer sale of a 2022 Nissan Kicks 1.6L SL with 34633 km for AED 67995.75 on 2023-10-31. This is a similar variant but with lower mileage. Another relevant sale is a 2022 Nissan Kicks 1.6L SV+NAV with 76734 km for AED 67995.75 on 2024-02-12, which is a higher mileage but similar variant. The selling prices of SV (Mid) variants range from AED 58000 to AED 61000, with lower mileage and different trim. Considering the SL is a top variant, it should be priced higher than the SV (Mid) variants. The accepted offer for an SV (Mid) was AED 70000, which suggests a higher market value for top variants. Given the mileage and condition, the estimated price should be slightly lower than the dealer sale of the SL variant due to higher mileage but still above the SV (Mid) sales.