The car to be estimated is a 2021 Nissan Kicks 1.6L SL (Top) with average condition and 70936 km mileage. The most relevant data point is a 2021 Nissan Kicks 1.6L SL sold by a dealer for AED 65445.75 on 2023-12-06 with 76514 km mileage. This is a very close match in terms of year, variant, and condition. Considering the car's mileage is slightly lower, it might be valued slightly higher. However, given the time elapsed since the sale, the market price might have slightly decreased. The selling prices of similar cars, such as a 2020 SL variant sold for AED 54000, and a 2023 SL variant sold for AED 72000, provide a range. The 2021 model should be valued between these, closer to the 2020 model due to depreciation. Considering all factors, the estimated market price is slightly lower than the dealer's sale price due to depreciation and market conditions.