I analyzed the selling prices of similar 2015 Mitsubishi Pajero 3.5L V6 models. The most recent sale on 2024-09-26 for a car with 175200 km mileage was AED 31500. Another sale on 2024-01-26 for a car with 143870 km was AED 34000. A sale on 2024-02-26 for a car with 153000 km was AED 36000. Older sales in 2023 were higher, around AED 42000-43000, but these are less relevant due to depreciation. The car to be estimated has 165550 km, which is slightly higher than some of the recent sales. Considering the condition is good, slightly better than average, I estimate the price to be slightly above the lowest recent sale but below the higher sales due to mileage and market trends.