The car to be estimated is a 2015 Mitsubishi Pajero GLS V6 3.5L 5 Door with 248900 km mileage in average condition. The closest match in the data is a 2015 Pajero 3.5L V6 with 221900 km sold for 30000 AED in February 2024. Another similar 2015 model with 153000 km sold for 36000 AED in February 2024. A 2015 model with 175200 km sold for 31500 AED in September 2024. Considering the higher mileage and average condition of the target car, its value should be lower than these. A listed price for a similar car with 248000 km was 29500 AED, but listed prices are usually higher than selling prices. Based on these data points, the estimated market price is adjusted to reflect the higher mileage and average condition.