The car to be estimated is a 2023 Lexus ES350 3.5L Prestige Standard with 39147 km mileage. The most relevant data point is a similar 2023 Lexus ES350 3.5L Prestige sold for AED 167445.75 on 2024-03-17 with 17834 km. Another similar car, a 2023 Lexus ES350 3.5L Prestige with 65362 km, sold for AED 153845.75 on 2024-07-23. The car with 39147 km should be valued between these two prices. Considering the mileage and condition, I estimate the price to be slightly lower than the first car but higher than the second. The accepted offer for a 2023 Lexus ES350 F Sports V6 3.5L at AED 168000 is not directly comparable due to the different variant. Therefore, the estimated market price is based on the closest Prestige variant sales.