The car to be estimated is a 2020 Honda Civic 1.6L (Base) with 113319 km mileage. The most relevant data points are the selling prices of similar cars. A 2020 Honda Civic 1.6L i4 with a 1.5L Turbo (Top+) variant sold for AED 69000, and a 2020 Honda Civic LX Sport 1.6L I4 with a 2.0L (Top) variant sold for AED 60000. These variants are higher than the base model, so the base model should be valued lower. Offers accepted for a 1.5L Turbo (Top+) were AED 70000 and for a 2.0L (Mid) were AED 52000. Dealer sales for the 1.6L DX variant were AED 59495.75 and AED 53541.5. The listed prices for the 1.6L (Base) variant range from AED 58990 to AED 77100, but these are typically higher than actual selling prices. Considering the car's average condition and higher mileage, the estimated market price should be lower than the dealer sales and closer to the lower end of the accepted offers and listed prices.