The car to be estimated is a 2024 Geely Emgrand 1.5L GK GS with a mileage of 14799 km. The closest data points are the dealer sold prices for the 2024 Geely Emgrand 1.5L GK, which is the same variant. The most relevant sales are: 1) A car with 6077 km sold for AED 46745.75 on 2024-09-16, 2) A car with 10252 km sold for AED 45895.75 on 2024-09-18, 3) A car with 15107 km sold for AED 48441.5 on 2024-09-10. The car in question has a mileage of 14799 km, which is closest to the third data point. Considering the condition is average, a slight reduction from the highest price of AED 48441.5 is reasonable. Therefore, the estimated price is slightly lower than the highest recent sale price for a similar mileage and variant.