The car to be estimated is a 2015 Dodge Durango Limited V6 3.6L with high mileage of 297,000 km. The most relevant selling price is for a 2014 Dodge Durango 3.6 V6 with 267,083 km, sold for AED 28,500 in July 2023. Another 2014 Limited AWD 3.6L V6 with 159,000 km sold for AED 45,500 in May 2023. Considering the higher mileage of the car in question, its value would be lower. Listed prices for similar 2015 models with lower mileage range from AED 44,000 to AED 61,000. Given the high mileage and average condition, the estimated market price should be significantly lower than these listings. Factoring in the depreciation and mileage, a reasonable estimate is AED 25,000.