The car to be estimated is a 2016 MINI Cooper Twin Power Turbo I3 1.5L S 2 Door (Top) with 125500 km mileage. The most relevant data point is the selling price of a similar variant, the 2016 MINI Cooper 2.0 Twin Turbo I4 S 2 Door (Top) with 142000 km, sold for AED 24000 on 2024-03-23. This car has a larger engine but similar trim and condition. Another relevant data point is an offer accepted for a 2016 MINI Cooper 1.5L Turbo S 2 Door (Top) with 119100 km for AED 35500 on 2023-11-26. Considering the mileage and condition, the estimated price should be slightly lower than AED 35500 but higher than AED 24000, given the engine size and trim. Thus, the estimated price is adjusted to AED 30000.