To estimate the price of the 2016 Chevrolet Impala 3.6L V6 LT (Mid) in bad condition with 242655 km mileage, I considered the listed prices of similar cars. The closest match is the 2015 Chevrolet Impala 3.6L V6 LT (Mid) with 248750 km listed for AED 20500. Given the higher mileage and bad condition of the target car, I adjusted the price downwards. Other listings include a 2016 Impala LTZ with 147000 km for AED 36000, a 2017 Impala LT with 33000 km for AED 52000, and a 2016 Impala LT with 79000 km for AED 39750. These cars have significantly lower mileage and better condition, so their prices are higher. Considering the depreciation and condition, I estimated the market price accordingly.